Central Lutheran School Gala.

This weekend Central Lutheran School will be hosting their annual fundraising Gala on Saturday night.  All proceeds from the gala go to support the ministry of the school.  For more information check out their website at: http://clssp.org/Fundraising/Gala2010/tabid/2643/language/en-US/Default.aspx .

MegHuff Photography has donated the below packaged for their silent auction.  This would be a great package to use for yourself or for a gift for anyone who needs senior pictures done, or engagement photos done, or family portraits or staff photos.

A tropical escape…MN style.

I love MN. I do….really. But sometimes, come January, after a month or two of snow, and freezing rain and not being able to just wear one pair of shoes for the day, a girl needs an escape. Unfortunently I’m in that delightful post-college tax bracket that doesn’t allow for a real tropical escape. So what’s a snow-trapped, financially embarrassed, self proclaimed MN girl to do? Head to Como of course! Mom came up for weekend and we promptly headed to Como for some Orchid madness! Here are just a few of my favorites. More can be viewed here.

Mi Madre. a constant inspiration.