
Dear families, I adore you. One of the things that keeps me going as a photographer is getting to experience life with you, and the chance to share your story with the world.  I feel so blessed to be invited in to your homes, to the celebrations of marriages and birthdays, graduations and milestones. I love spending time giggling with your toddlers and playing in yummy twilight light at local parks, or chatting with your seniors about life after High School.  But one of the things I love the most is getting to capture you all together, for a moment in time and see God’s gift of family lived out in so many amazing ways.  Each family has a different story and I am humbled to witness the way God paints his love into the world through each of them.  So to all of you who trust me to be there to share your story, I thank you.  I thank you and I’m asking you today to take a moment and a dollar to help share this love to another family.  Jon and Elsa are starting the adoption process.  To help make this a reality and cover fees that insurance won’t cover they’ve started an Indiegogo campaign called One Dollar, One Hope.  The idea being that instead of a few people giving in big ways, they’re just hoping to share their story and for those people who hear it to help one dollar at a time.  So my friends, before you continue on to see  some of the family highlights below click on the One Dollar, One Hope link above and help connect a family.  If you can’t give please share this or their link so that we can help spread the love. There are eleven days left in the campaign, let’s do what we can to spread their story.

And now, I give you a few of my favorite moments from the past few years (please know for each photo shared there are hundreds more that I adore of each of my families I’ve been blessed to work with):

Mason week one (135)b

avery 6 months 263a

Liv first birthday 728a

Connor Senior Photos (432)a

david newborn 658a

Jahnke Wedding 1482b

Crary Spr 2011 (849)a

Breitbarths Day One 024a

Hagens 608a_mhp


thompson crew 2012 062a